Sweet William 

Sweet William 

Sweet little boy with the big blue eyes
Stole my heart the first day he cried
Two hugs and a kiss each night before bed
Won’t go to sleep till “I love you” is said

Sweet little boy makes me so proud 
With a grin so big you stand out in a crowd
Standing alone you act so shy
With a tug on my heart when we say goodbye 

Sweet little boy with such a dirty little face
Playing in the yard at your own sweet pace
Riding your bike or your scooter down the road
Finding a jar to keep a frog or a 

Sweet little boy you’ve saved my life
When my days are filled with grief and strife
With a hug and a squeeze all troubles fly away
And a cuddle each night to end the day

Sweet little boy with the big blue eyes
You stole my heart the first day you cried

-mark visscher 2015

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